Irpin Bible Church

Impressions of Ukraine #3

Vasya Ostryi, Irpin Bible Church Pastor, shares about Irpin Bridge evacuation One Year Later

Welcome: Irpin Bible Church! Знайомтесь: Ірпінська Біблійна Церква!

Irpin Bible Church Volunteer center ministry

Pastor Sergey from a destroyed church in Irpin

Ukraine Update: Vasyl Ostryi, Irpin Bible Church

IrpinFest від творців Sport Week day2

IrpinFest від творців Sport Week day1

Агнець в небесах! Навіки! Осанна! (LIVE) - Марія Антонюк, Тетяна Зауліна, Сергій Чеховський

У Христі ми Друга маєм | Благословіння | Kari Jobe - The Blessing українською | PRAISE BAND

Interview with Christian writers and presentation of 'A Pastor's Diary', a book by Mykola Romanyuk

Priests and pastors of Irpin: Ascension of Jesus and Day of the Holy Trinity: what do we celebrate?

Priests and pastors of Irpin: Ministry during quarantine, Celebrating Annunciation and Palm Sunday

Coronavirus - the end of the world or rehearsal?

Priests and pastors of Irpin: What do we celebrate during the Passion Week, in Passover and Easter?

Three Qualities of Positive Impact - Sergei Kolesnikov - 1 Peter 2:11-17

Love at not-first sight: why a pre-marital counseling course is needed

How to Prepare for Death? Biblical and Practical wisdom to help us face death/dying someday.

Gospel in our Ministry - Learning from Jesus to live, serve and share the Good News - Roman Kravchuk

Crisis: danger or opportunity? How can Christian youth effectively use their quarantine time?

Svitlo Talk: Should a Christian study at seminary today?

Travel to heaven! Thoughts Defining Christians - Illya Kordun - Philippians 3:12-21

Building strong Marriage: If I have an unreasonable spouse, what should I do?

5 Ways to Overcome Fear - Sergey Perevyshko - Isaiah 41:10